Grammar Guru Custom Editing and Writing Services
Do you need an editor?
In a word, yes. Whether you’re writing a newsletter or the next War and Peace, you need a good editor. Nobody is immune. Pulitzer Prize winners need editors. I need an editor. Everyone who writes with the hope that someone else will read needs an editor.
Editing is the most underappreciated step in the writing process. Editors work quietly in the background, sparing the author embarrassing mistakes and adding suggestions for the best reading experience. Any honest published author will tell you about significant contributions by editors.
The Grammar Guru offers complete editing services, from a hard edit of the first draft to final proofreading. With a strong educational background and 20 years in the publishing industry, the Grammar Guru edits anything from academic texts and articles to children’s literature.
There is no replacement for an educated, professional, fresh pair of eyes to scope your manuscript and offer constructive criticism. The Grammar Guru will make your writing everything you want it to be, for less than you might expect.
Note to students: I will proofread your papers for grammar, spelling and clarity, but only if those don't affect your mark. You have to earn your grades yourself.